Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Bananas Alert!


So Generally I..
Tried yet another recipe for Banana Cake. Testing our banana cake recipes has been a tireless pursuit for someone like me who likes bananas and any banana by-products. And a banana cake is a major by-product for me. This recipe is taken from the book ‘Cakes Galore’ by Valerie Barrett. The original recipe in the book is called Carribbean Banana Cake, but since I am happy just to try out the basic cake, I had omitted the spice ingredient in my version. My verdict of the cake is … shall I put this? The cake didn’t last 24 hours..yes, it’s that good. Its moist and dense (which is what I was looking for)  and look very much like a good-old home-made cake.

History Trivia : There are reports that banana cakes could have originated from Eygptian times. While others might claim that the cake originates from Asia, as banana is an Asian fruit. However, the most popular information states that the banana cake recipe originated from America in the 18th century, when housewives discovered baking powder and baking soda and uses them as leavening agent in baking.

Carribbean Banana Cake

You will need :
2 ripe bananas, peeled
2 tablespoon clear honey
200g self-raising flour
¼ teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon of freshly grated nutmeg (I omitted this for my version)
150g unsalted butter, soften
175g soft light brown sugar
2 eggs, beaten
50g pecan, finely chopped.

What to do. :
Preheat oven to 180 C, 350F or Gas mark 4. Grease a 10 inch x 10inch cake tin.
> Mash the banana in bowl with honey.
> Sift the flour, baking powder and nutmeg in a separate bowl & set aside.
> Cream the butter and sugar together till pale and fluffy. Add in the eggs gradually, beating well after each addition.
> Fold in the banana and flour mixture.
> Bake for 25-30 mins or until skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.

Below is how my banana cake looks like. Do note that I made certain changes for my version as follows : I added 1 more banana as I wanted a more dense cake and I wanted to taste more of the banana. To balance up, I added 2 additional tablespoonful of flour. I skipped the nutmeg and pecans as I was not a fan of either one.

You can find more banana cake recipes on

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